3rd and 4th Pictures -- Stereum or Trametesas
Trametes are turkey tail
Trametes (Turkey tail) has pores underneath,
Stereum the lower surface is smooth (no pores, teeth, ...).
Posted by Taylan 12/27/13
Taylan: Any ideas?
Mark: Is this the same mushroom? This one has edges that glows in the dark and was found growing at the foot of a Douglas Fir.
Sava: Taylan's fungi (first two photos) are probably Stereum.
Mark's (2nd two photos) could be Stereum as well, or Trametes.
The two look similar. The difference shows at the bottom side of the caps:
Trametes (Turkey tail) has pores underneath, and in
Stereum the lower surface is smooth (no pores, teeth, ...).
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