Amanita pachycolea

Tylan said: Found at high elevation in Gifford Pinchot National Forest. Primarily conifer forest with a few deciduous trees scattered. No ring on the stem or veil remnants on the cap. White spores. There were several dispersed in a large area around some old growth conifer stumps. Stem solid but the center is very soft, so may become hollow down the road.

Mike said: Based on books, I would call it Amanita pachycolea. The general discription, including lack of ring, striate margin, felty volva, color, and stains, support that.

Tylan said: Good guess. I think you're right that it is an Amanita pachycolea. Meets all criteria listed in the keys.

Mike said: BTW, if I were going to eat any amanitas (which I don't encourage anyone to do -- those who know enough to do it safely hardly need my encouragement), I would probably start with a member of the A. vaginata group like this one.