
Posted by Sava 3/30/12

Sava: Exactly a year ago, at the OMS field trip at Sauvie Island, Matt Sipes and I found two interesting Plutei. They, as well as another white Pluteus I found back in 2010, got sequenced by Alfredo Justo and will be used in his forthcoming publication with Else Vellinga and others.

At least two of these three appear to be yet unnamed species. -- The three species are shown below with comments by Fredo ---



This collection belongs in the Pluteus ephebeus group, which as you can see in the tree still needs a lot of work, we have many species for which we do not have names yet. This could be the true Pluteus tomentosulus but we still need collections from Eastern NA to compare it and so far I have not found the species here.

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As we have guessed from morphology this belongs in the Pluteus plautus group but it is not the real Pluteus plautus (you can see in the tree how it is different from the European collections of plautus). Apparently this is taxon also occurs in the San Francisco Bay area and it has been sequenced by Else Vellinga et al in the Bruns lab. Still no final name for this one yet.

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This belongs in the Pluteus cervinus group. It turns out that this is one of the new taxa that are going to be described as new in a paper that I am currently preparing with Else Vellinga and other collaborators from Europe and NA. The provisional name that we have for this is "Pluteus orestes", orestes means "mountaineer" in greek, this taxon also occurs in Yosemite and Mt. Ashland in Oregon.

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