Katie: Sorry about the poor pics. They are from a cell phone.
The cap looks white but its not. It is tan. Gills creamy. Stipe same color as cap.
As you can see, very decurrent gills,
I did not get a spore print. It is very mature.
I passed this mushroom for many days and finally picked it. It was alone.
Small- medium sized, very hardy even though it looks fragile. On the side of a path in Doug-Fir forest on Chehalem Mtn.
Sava: It's a Clitocybe for sure; perhaps C. avellaneoalba, but perhaps also C. clavipes. If you have Matchmaker, you can read the descriptions of both of these and see which one is a better match. I cannot tell the two apart; need to learn. So far, things that look like this, I've been calling C. clavipes, unaware of the other. Actually, they are now members of a small segregate genus Ampulloclitocybe.
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