Leratiomyces percevalii
( had been called Stropharia riparia)

Posted By Sava 4/13/13

Sava: Last Tuesday we had lots of mushrooms brought to the intermediate identification class. Two turned out to be particularly interesting.

Joe Cohen brought a Stropharia that we could not identify, but when he posted in on Mushroom Observer, it got quickly recognized as Leratiomyces percevalii. Apparently, it's a very common woodchip mushroom in California. The genus Leratiomyces is seggregated from Stropharia.

Pictures are here:
http://mushroomobserver.org/131741?q=1BXRT http://mushroomobserver.org/131779?q=1BXRT

Joe (on MO):
Stropharia, but which species?
Substrate: rich soil with wood chips. At least some actually growing on wood. See LH specimen in third image (image 321951) Cap: Not viscid, but that is may have been washed/blown away; diameter up to 4 cm. on collected specimens, but much wider on older, uncollected ones. See 2nd image (image 321950) Stem: 6 cm tall; 0.8 cm diameter

Lacks the decoration you’d find on S. ambigua (but that also likely washed/blown away), and the stem is not tapered.
Seems like the wrong shape for S. coronilla and also lacking any ring. Cf. PNWKC Key to Strophariaceae
Does not taper downward like S. riparia.
Cap colors not quite right initially or in age for S. albonitens, which is also rare in Pacific NW.
If you suggest or vote on a name, I would appreciate your commenting on your reasons for the suggestion/vote.

Anan on MO: Recognized by sight: This is the taxon that we have been calling Stropharia riparia for many years. It is extremely common on the west coast in wood chips in the spring. The actual Stropharia riparia grows with aspen. I wouldn’t put a whole lot of emphasis on tapering downward.

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