
Compare Pleurotus

Posted by Paul 4/12/13

Wikipedia says:
Pleurotus is a genus of gilled mushrooms which includes one of the most widely eaten mushrooms, P. ostreatus. Species of Pleurotus may be called oyster, abalone, or tree mushrooms, and are some of the most commonly cultivated edible mushrooms in the world.

Crepidotus: Members of this genus are small, convex to fan-shaped, and sessile. Spore prints are yellow-brown to brown. All species of Crepidotus are known to be secondary decomposers of plant matter; most are saprobic on wood. Little is known about the ebility of various species;

Paul: I am delighted that the oysters are out in Tigard. While on a walk this AM I collected some nice white Pleurotus and what I thought were past their peak tan ones (picture 018). Both the lite and dark specimens were on downed alder logs in a mixed deciduous/conifer forest. Just to make sure, I took some spore prints (picture 019). Lo and behold the tan ones had brown spores so I didn’t eat them. The lite ones had light spore prints which is right for Pleurotus. I figure the tan ones are Crepidotus but it they are pretty big for a Crepidotus (the tiles are three inches). The gills look right for Crepidotus but Crepidotus does not have the rolled/fluted edge to the cap (picture 018). I looked for Tapinella in Arora but he doesn’t have it. The underside of the cap is not inrolled (picture 021) which seems to eliminate Paxillus…

Doug: , think it is one of those lentinoleous type. The smell should be very lemoney and sweet.I, found one yesterday on a cottonwood stump. I, eat them

Paul: Lentinoleus is not in Arora and when entered into Google I am referred to Lentinus. Lentinus has saw-toothed gills and white/yellow spores. My dark specimen does not have saw toothed gills and the spores are brown.

Dick: If you consider the effects of age and weather you probably already have the answer. Check out pictures on MatchMaker and you will probably find pictures that should make you question what you believe to be true. Is that enough of a hint?

Paul: “Question what I believe to be true” – I love it but I’m not sure what I believe to be true… I liked the rolled/fluted cap edges on MatchMaker BUT the brown spores are still throwing me off. Are you telling me that spore color can change (i.e., get darker) with age?

Dick: In your first email you stated "Crepidotus does not have the rolled/fluted edge to the cap". Now you see that they can have rolled/fluted edges so there is no problem with it being Crepidotus.

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