
Posted by Joe 3/14/13

Joe: Looks a lot like what Elmer recently asked about (Is this a Paneolus?) But growing in grass/moss/ground near aspens.

Elmer: Do you know if the stems of the mushroom you posted would bend or would they snap. According to Trudell's book (page 199) One difference between Panaeolus and Psathyrella is that the stipe of Psathyrella snaps in half cleanly, The stipe of Panaeolus can be bent back and forth.

Trudell also says that another difference between Panaeolus and Psathyrella is that the gills of Panaeolus are molted and have a white fringed edge. Are the gills of the specimen that you posted molted with a white fringed edge.

In summary, if the stipe snaps and the gills are not molted, it is probably Psathyrella. If the stipe does not snap and the gills are molted with a white edge, they are probably Panaeolus.

Joe: Thanks for pointing that out Stipe did not snap cleanly, but I did not notice a mottled edge. A Mushroom Observer user suggested Coprinellus. I think that's accurate (or at least closer than Psathyrella or Panaeolus) because the gills have now deliquesced.

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