Mushrooms Identified at the 03/25/13 OMS Meeting

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Entolomas are pink-gilled mushrooms
A spore print will be pink
The gills are attached to the stem

They usually grow on the ground

Pluteus are also pink-spored mushrooms,
but they are found on decaying logs not on the ground as with Entoloma

A distinctive feature of Entolomas -- if that one looks at the spores, they are angular, warted, or ribbed.


After further consideration -
Maybe Psilocybe
Spores are dark brown, not black; that eliminates Panaeolus
spores are smooth and with a germ pore, so not Galerina
The hyphae in the subpellis are not inflated, which eliminates Agrocybe and perhaps Hypholoma

Trametes versicolor

Commonly called "Turkey Tail"

Some people believe this mushroom has certain medical uses

It grows in clumps , shelves or rows on dead hardwood.
It often grows on dead oak.

Arora's book says it is edible (page 594)
however, he advises boiling it for 62 hours (yes 62)

Schizophyllum commune

The gills produce basidiospores on their surface,
and they split when the mushroom dries out
Thus the common name for this mushroom is "Split Gill".

An interesting fact,
This mushroom has more than 28,000 sexes

Agrocybe pediades

Grows in lawns, pastures and meadows.
The gills are attached to the stem;
they are pale grayish brown becoming brown to rusty or cinnamon brown when mature

The spore print is brown

Peziza praetervisa

Commonly called the "purple fairy cup".
Also called "fireplace cup"

The cap is somewhat like a flattened cup.
The inner- surface of the cup is the spore bearing surface.
It is purple-brown, but it lightens to brown as it ages.

It is often found in fire sites.

Coprinellus micaceus


Grows in cluster on or near rotting hardwood

The gills slowly dissolve into a black, inky, spore-laden liquid.
This is called auto digestion or deliquescence.


Laccaria has thick, widely spaced, purple to flesh-colored gills.
The gills are adnate to slightly decurrent.
The spores are white.

The stalk is tough, fibrous, and slender


Common name "earthstar" for obvious reasons

The outer layer of the fruiting body splits into segments
that turn outward thereby creating a star-like pattern

Ganoderma applanatum

Also called the "Artist's Fungus,"

This is wood-decay fungus that grows on dead heartwood

It can decay and kill beech, poplar, and sometimes other trees.

When the surface is rubbed or scratched, the color changes
from light to dark brown, producing visible lines and shading.
This fungus is therefore often used as a drawing medium for artists.
Hence its common name "Artist Fungus".

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